Frequently Asked Questions
The Sun Defender Floating Umbrella FAQ

How does it work?
The Sun Defender is perfect, if you're looking for ways to shade your pool. Sun Defender is simple to set up and works in any body of water. The patented AquaBase uses the weight of water to stabilize and keep the umbrella upright. Simply inflate the float ring, drop in the base and you’re ready to go. Place your umbrella in and secure with a thumb screw. If you need more stability for high winds, simply plug the drain and add more water. It can also work out of the water as a 120 lb standard umbrella base. It is multi functional as a container for iced drinks and a table top, in and out of the water.
It will accept up to a 1.5" umbrella pole which includes most all of your standard 7 to 10 ft patio umbrellas, so no need to purchase another umbrella.
What about the wind?
This is where Sun Defender distinguishes itself from less stable designs. Any umbrella will fail with enough wind, however the point at which that occurs is different for every umbrella design. The Sun Defender challenges any competitors to meet its stability in the wind. When in water it can hold up to 120lbs of weight with a 40" base to stabilize it. The umbrella will likely invert before ever tipping over.

How stable is it?
As with any umbrella, it can be physically pulled down, but it will pop back up. Stability is a question of several factors, but in general, larger umbrellas are more impacted by wind than smaller ones. The AquaBase has been tested with umbrellas up to 10 ft, even in heavy winds. Below are some of the higher wind tests with 9ft and 7ft.
See for yourself:
How do I trim my umbrella?
How to cut your umbrella for use with the Sun Defender Aqua Shade Base.

Can I use my umbrella?
Of course, the pole receptacle is 1.5" in diameter, which is standard for most patio or market umbrellas. However, there are a few made with 2" poles, so be sure to check first. We would suggest reducing the height of your pole to where the bottom of the canopy is within 4 ft from the water level when in open position, check to be sure the canopy can be folded down without hitting the top of the base before trimming. Ask your umbrella supplier for an extra pole to trim to the desired height or trim the one you have. Just be sure to save the bottom cap so there are no sharp edges.
Note: Suggest only using aluminum, stainless steel or fiberglass poles, wood can swell and iron will rust.
To order without umbrella just select AquaShade Base Complete.
What about an anchor?
Yes, you might need an anchor to keep it in one location, depending on your wind conditions. The AquaBase has attachment points at both top and bottom to give several options and directions from which to anchor it so it doesn't continually move around the pool, of course some actually like that it will float around and mingle for you.
What about the kids?
Unfortunately most kids and even some adults (wink) see a toy. It is not designed to support standing, sitting, leaning, or to be used as a floatation aid. Once deployed it should be allowed to float untouched and provide shade. Kids should be supervised when using the Sun Defender.
Can it be used as a "cooler"?
Yes, but you will want to purchase the optional insulation kit to increase its efficiency. The insulation kit will allow it to keep drinks cool with 20lbs of ice for about 2-4 hours depending on how much exposure time you have with the cap off or water temperature.